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New Study: Cell Tower Radiation Increased Oxidative Stress in Honeybees After One Year
A 2024 study Oxidative Stress Response of Honey Bee Colonies during Long-Term Exposure at a Frequency of 900 MHz under Field Conditions by Vilić et al., studied fifteen honey bee colonies exposed for one year to RF-EMFs emitted by base stations (cell towers) at a frequency of 900 MHz in three locations with different electric field levels. The researchers investigated the impacts at various developmental stages including larvae, pupae and adult honey bees and they found the wireless exposure “can cause oxidative stress in honey bees, with the larval stage being more sensitive than the pupal stage.”

New Study: European Union Stakeholders Want More Research to Address the Impacts of Wireless to Wildlife and Plants
New Study: European Union Stakeholders Agree that More Research is Needed to Address the Impacts of Wireless Technologies to Wildlife, Plants and Non Humans
A newly published paper by European experts documents a “broad consensus” on the need to fund more research and initiate activities to address regulatory gaps regarding the effects of wireless, cell tower radiation and non ionizing electromagnetic exposure to plants, animals, and other living organism

Wireless Tracking Technologies Could Harm Wildlife
A new scientific paper discusses the potential health risks and benefits to tagged wildlife from the use of radio tracking, radio telemetry, and related microchip and data-logger technologies used to study, monitor and track wildlife in their native habitats. Scientific studies on health impacts from the radiofrequency and electromagnetic radiation exposure of tracking technologies are reviewed and best management practices are recommended including more caution in the wildlife and veterinarian communities before such technologies are used.

Wildlife Biologists and Radiation Experts Call For Worldwide Action on Wildlife And Wireless Radiation
Wildlife biologists and wireless radiation experts are calling for a research agenda and protective actions to address wildlife exposures to wireless radiofrequency (RF) radiation in a new article “Addressing Wildlife Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields: Time for Action published in Environmental Science & Technology Letters.
The article highlights the ”unprecedented wildlife exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields” which has” the potential to exert a wide range of biological effects on wildlife, ranging from reduction in bat feeding activity and the alteration of life history characteristics in insects to morphological abnormalities in plants.”

How the FCC Fails to Follow Environmental Laws and Fails the Public
By Erica Rosenberg | Formerly Assistant Chief of the Competition and Infrastructure Policy Division at the Federal Communications Commission.
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