Take Action
At Environmental Health Trust (EHT), we firmly believe that collective action is the key to creating a safer and healthier environment.
Your involvement can make a significant impact in driving change. Nature is amazing. Here are several ways you can help protect it. To start please join our request that the United Nations Environment Programme address this issue. If you live in the United States, please send a letter to your lawmakers.
Contact Your Local Officials
Your local government plays a vital role in shaping policies that affect your community's environmental health. Here are some steps you can take:
Send Letters
Reach out to all your state and local elected officials so they help ensure action. They will not act unless they hear from you. Your representatives need to know that safer technology and environmental protection are priorities for you. Send a letter to U.S. Congress and state lawmakers at this link.
Talk Directly To Your Representatives
Speak up in your local town or City meetings. Set up meetings. Meeting one-on-one with officials sends a strong message. EHT has resources and factsheets with talking points for you to share to help educate your representatives on the need for urgent regulatory protections that consider environmental impacts.
5G networks that use sub-millimeter and millimeter wave frequencies can uniquely impact bees and other insects. Push for regulations that protect ecologically sensitive areas.
Ensure A Community Ordinance That Protects Trees
Find out what local rules are in your community regarding the placement of cell towers and small cells near trees. Ensure that your community has an ordinance that protects trees.
Promote Affordable Wired Broadband
Every community needs safe affordable internet service. However, it does not have to be all wireless. Encourage the adoption of advanced, future-proof broadband solutions with local distribution networks that prioritize wired connections.
Join the Campaign to Protect Wildlife
Click Here and Connect with Your Representatives →
Local Community Action
Getting involved in your local community is a powerful way to effect change. Here are some initiatives you can consider:
Community Outreach
Set up information booths at local events like community fairs, farmers' markets, or PTA gatherings. Share EHT resources to educate and raise awareness.
Airplane Mode
Set your phone to airplane mode or turn off unnecessary antennas (e.g., Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Cellular) when not in use.
Choose a corded landline instead of a cell phone whenever possible.
Movies and Meetings
Organize meetings at your local library or collaborate with local clubs to discuss the implications of wireless radiation and environmental health. Screen movies and expert talks.
Write and Share
Write letters to the editor or short articles for your community organization's newsletters. Share events and information on local community platforms, social media, and listservs.
Daily Practices
Many people ask how they can protect their health. Reducing personal exposure also helps to reduce environmental exposures. Here are some daily practices to consider:
Cell Phone Habits
Minimize voice or video calls and prefer texting instead. This sends less radiation into the air. Use the speakerphone or wired airtube headsets instead of holding the phone to your head.
Avoid sleeping with your cell phone. Distance the phone from your body.
Say No to “Fixed Wireless”
Companies are promoting “fixed wireless” for home internet. However these systems function by connecting your home service via cell towers, instead of safer wired networks. Such networks increase wireless in the environment. Instead, request affordable home internet that connects with cables or fiber.
Manage Wi-Fi
Turn off Wi-Fi and wireless networks when not in use, especially at bedtime. Better yet, use wired ethernet to connect to the internet and cords to connect tech tech. Be cautious of "smart" devices like virtual assistants that emit radiofrequency radiation continuously.